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Looping Tips [Loopy Pro]
Looping Tips [General]
Looping Tips [RC505]
Looping Tips [ipad]

Looping Tips [android]
beatbox - Generating mostly percussion (drum sounds) accented with other sounds by use of your mouth and throat.

Do it yourself - Can mean musical devices made from component parts or concerts organized and promoted without the use of professional venues/promoters or videos shot and edited by the artist themselves or anything that one does themselves rather than buying a more expensive solution.

equalizing - Making adjustments on various frequency ranges to achieve a desired sound or to prepare a sound for an effect or other alteration.

Musical Instrument Digital Interface - a protocol to allow musical devices to communicate with one another. Sometimes used to reference the cables that can phisically connect and transmit midi commands among instruments, computers and other devices.

quantization - Using a device to ensure that notes or loops line up on time. Some looping devices, for example, can quantize per measure and make sure a loop begins and ends exactly on the beat at the end of the measure.

vocal looper - A loop artist that generates percussion, bass, melody, vocals all through their mouth with loop devices and possibly vocal processors but without the use of other instruments.

vocoder - In modern music a vocoder most often refers to and device capable of changing the pitch of imput vocals. Results have historically been robotic sounding but more recently can be somewhat natural choral harmonies or slight pitch corrections.

List of Acronyms
biii, b3 - Boomerang iii looper.

bpm - Beats per Minute. A way to measure tempo.

diy - Do it yourself.

edp - Echoplex Digital Pro

eq, eqing - equalizing.

fc, fcb - Foot controller or foot control board

kp3 - Kaoss Pad 3 - A real-time effects processor/sampler made by KORG

midi - Musical Instrument Digital Interface

rc3, rc30, rc50, rc300, rc505 - various loop pedals and loop station models made by BOSS.

rca - audio and sometimes video connector cables (invented by Radio Corporation of America) often used to connect stereo equipment, VCRs, and some instruments.

vl3, vlt, vlt2 - voice live or voice live touch loopers and vocal/sound processors made by TC Helicon.

xlr - Stereo/Left/Right cable. What is traditionally thought of when someone says microphone cable.

Question of the Week
(new questions posted on wednesdays)
Question of the Weeek: 2015 week #1
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #45
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #44
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #43
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #42
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #41
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #37
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #32
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #30
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #28
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #27
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #26
Question of the Weeek: 2014 week #23
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